Connect Computer Solutions was founded in 1982 to address the needs of the small business market who were not being served by VAR's in particular without any emphasis on simply 'shifting boxes'

Changing Times
The PC market has moved significantly towards the chain stores over the past 15 years. Small companies thinking they can now do it cheaper by buying in this fashion started cutting out the traditional VARs and started trying to put it all together themselves, hiring consultants 'just when they needed them'.

The Result

  • NO capability of constructing a permanently working or reliable and fault tolerant network
  • NO more than the most basic network functions
  • NO security or tamper protection
  • NO system integrity
  • NO design or research into their needs or availability of specialised products before purchase done
  • NO knowledge base based on VAR experience
  • NO understanding of integration and its pitfalls
  • NO product compatibility or matching selection causing further chaos
  • NO IT infrastructure to support their efforts
  • NO Fault Tolerant Robotised Fileservers
  • NO experience other than high levels of system failure and Stress
  • NO understanding of the value of a true Support Partner.

What the New Solution had to Provide
Connect had always been comfortable with Windows Server based systems and decided to continue along that route, adding;

  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Low Maintenance
  • Quality Hardware
  • Remotely Managed
  • Remotely Updated
  • Few needs for Site Visits
  • Quick Response & Fix
  • One telephone source for all queries
  • Easy Additions
  • Range of additional 'snap-in' options

Our company develops Microsoft Windows thin client Citrix enabled full remote access systems the core being our Gadgetboy ® Robotised Fileservers . This removed the geographical limitations of installing reliable networks using high quality Hewlett Packard hardware, cementing that together with extended Onsite support options and Remote Management.

It's the Hardware .. No, It's the Software!
Heard that before - we have, every time we sign up a new Client. That's not the sort of thing we like any more than you. Both our team and your selected software vendor work together so whoever answers your query will give you the answer - and that's that.

So Why Connect Computers
Technology is an increasingly important tool in most businesses today. For smaller businesses that do not have their own Information Technology department actually planning and controlling your systems can be both daunting, time consuming and often impossible. Our function at Connect is to remove these problems and act as your partner in this area so you can concentrate your time and effort on your core business.

Keeping Pace with Technology
Keeping in touch with the technology available today is a never ending task and to test and integrate this technology in an efficient and cost effective way requires skills not normally available in most small businesses. There are many hardware companies available who will supply and fit hardware to various specifications and standards; other companies will supply software specific to your needs

Our Aim

  • To source, test, build and deliver a completely integrated turnkey hardware and software solution for your business. We build each network individually in our workshop and it is set up to your personal requirements, then thoroughly tested before delivery. This minimises the disruption to your business during installation.
  • To support you in the use of your system and with any problems you may have.
  • To work with you to ensure you get the maximum benefit possible from your system now and improvements to it in the future.
  • To supply a Quality product at a Competitive Price taking into account Total Cost of Ownership over the life of the product.